Monday, January 25, 2021

Best of 2020: Home Decor


Happy Monday, friends! We are almost out the eternally long month that is also known as January. Is it just me or did this one feel exceptionally long? Hopefully my weekly best of recaps made this month a little more bearable! If you don't know what I'm referring to, check out my beauty and fashion recaps here! 

Last up is the home edition...

  1. Office Chair (LTK top seller*) - This chair might have been my best seller for the entire year! LOL not sure what this says about my content in general but I am really glad that I finally invested in a desk and good chair to WFH!
  2. Jewelry Armoire (LLM favorite**) - Probably one of the best things I have ever bought for myself! I love my jewelry but it's so hard to keep organized! All my jewelry - everything from everyday items to sentimental keepsake pieces - have a designated home in this armoire!
  3. Console Table (LLM favorite) - This was another great, and reasonably priced, find. I knew I wanted something that had a shelf and the clear glass is perfect for small spaces since it doesn't look like a bulky piece of furniture. 
  4. Pillow Covers (LLM favorite) - I love these pillow covers because they allow me to switch up my pillows whenever I want - but without having to store 20 different pillows that would take up space!
  5. Shag Rug (LLM favorite) - I always loved the look of a shag rug, but hate how quickly they get matted down if they are in high-traffic areas of the home. I have been buying mine from Amazon for the last couple of years because they're cheap enough that I don't mind swapping them out for new ones when they start to not look so great!
  6. Organizer Drawers for Under Sink (LLM favorite) - If you recall, I did a lot of home organizing last summer. Under my bathroom and kitchen sinks were easy tackle with this drawer set. Check out my blog post here to see what other spaces I whipped into shape.
  7. Organizer Cubes: Fabric (LLM favorite) - These are great for sock/underwear drawers to keep everything nice and tidy!
  8. Organizer Cubes: Plastic (LLM favorite) - Discovering these was my absolute downfall! LOL I literally have these in EVERY room/drawer of my apartment! They are perfect for desk, vanity, bathroom, junk drawer and more! Highly recommend!
  9. Decorative Vases (LLM favorite) - I think these are such a steal for the price! A set of 3 and comes in a few color options. They can stand alone or together and a great for holding flowers, candles, whatever!
  10. Wood Beads (LLM favorite) - I never thought these were my style but I bought them from Amazon for a great price and I love them! Check out my interior design Instagram for lots of different ideas on how to style them!

Which "best of" recap was your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!

*LTK top seller: 2020 top seller on the app
**LLM favorite: a Love, Lauren Michelle recommendation

Ciao for now! 

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