Monday, August 24, 2020

30 Before 30 Bucket List

Hello, hello! Happy Monday, friends!

Last week I celebrated my 29th birthday and I had SUPER mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I love celebrating my birthday, but on the other, it's the last year of my twenties! As I look back on the last decade of my life, I certainly have accomplished a great deal both personally and professionally. I don't think I ever could have predicted being where I am today. 

The last 10 years have held so many milestone moments: I've graduated college, landed my first job, became financially independent, purchased a home, landed my dream job and started my 401K. But then again, there are also milestones that I expected to hit in my twenties that have yet to come - but who knows what the next year has in store!

Being that we are currently in the midst of a global pandemic, some of the below list could be a tall order, but why not dream big! 

1. Save $10,000 - I had a great savings fund before moving out of my parent's house but adulting is harder than it looks people! I do have automatic withdrawals into several savings accounts which is definitely an important tip if you're trying to up your savings. Having money go straight into these accounts each week makes it easier to save since you don't have to think about it!

2. Pay off credit card debt - I finally have a tangible and realistic plan for tackling my debt. If you're feeling the pressure, my advice is simple: balance transfers. In the long run, the small fee upfront is totally worth it for 0% APR for XX months!

3. Start a collection - Haven't decided what I'm collecting although I do collect wine corks! They actually are becoming rare since most are now made of plastic, but I love the real cork ones. I like to take a cork of bottle from a significant event and write the date/event on it so I have a collectible momento! But if you have any other ideas for a cool collection - let me know below!

4. Set an annual reading goal - I tried to set a reading goal this summer and while I started off strong, I got hung up on not loving one of the books I was reading and that slowed me down. I think 15 books is a reasonable goal for the year!

5. Earn a promotion / raise - Not to seem overly confident but I believe this will happen soon! Part of why I am so happy at my current job - you need to recognize and reward your employees (which I feel they do)!

6. Travel to Italy or Greece - Was supposed to go to Italy this summer but clearly that was over before it started! Next year, there are a lot of significant birthdays and anniversaries in my family so I am hoping for a big family vaca!

7. Take on a physical challenge - I currently do the MAX Challenge gym classes which I love so I want to keep up with that and hopefully shed a few pounds!

8. Grow my following by 3x - Every like, comment, follow and share helps!

9. Buy a Le Creuset - Definitely something every gal with her own apartment should have!

10. Learn a recipe from Grandma - My Grandma is an amazing cook and I definitely need to spend more time in the kitchen with her!

11. Weekend in the Hamptons - I have really only been to the Hamptons once for a good friend's bachelorette, but I was SUPER sick and drove straight home after getting there!

12. Splurge on something expensive & pay cash for it - Would love another designer bag that I can pay for all on my own and all in cash!

13. Go axe throwing - Totally want to do this in the fall! Although not gonna lie, a little afraid!

14. Go to Top Golf - Again, something I have been wanting to do for years but haven't had the chance!

15. Visit Charleston, SC - I helped plan a bachelorette party in Charleston and it made me want to go so bad!

16. Secure 3 more brand partnerships - I have some favorites in mind that I hope I secure a deal with to get you all some good discount codes!

17. Go to Smorgasburg - Another thing I have been wanting to do for YEARSSS LOL!

18. Top of the Rock - I have never been to the top of the Empire State Building in NYC so definitely want to do that soon!

19. Hudson Yards - Definitely want to check out Hudson Yards in NYC for some shopping soon! Maybe I will buy my next designer bag there!

20. Staten Island outlet mall - Maybe not a bucket list item for many people but I these have been open for a little while and I have yet to go! There are supposedly some good stores!

21. Go to The Wrecking Club - I can’t believe this actually exists because I literally had this exact business idea a few years ago!

22. Learn how to make fresh mozzarella - There are a couple of places that do this in and around the city! Seems so fun! 

23. Girl's trip - Took a FL girl’s trip last summer and it was amazing! Such a low key trip but was so relaxing and fun. Never underestimate a good girl’s weekend!

24. Take a roadtrip - Maybe combined with #23! 

25. Spend more time with friends - Every time I’m with my friends, my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard! It’s so important to make time for your friends. Between work, significant others and just life in general, we sometimes can’t make plans with friends as often as we’d like. But you better believe I’m going to be celebrating the last year of my twenties all year long!

26. Spend more time with my grandmas - I’d like to say that I do this pretty well already, but with quarantining it’s been really hard and I don’t want to potentially get anyone sick. I hope I get to spend more time with them over the next year.

27. Plan an awesome 30th birthday party - Enough said! 

28. Let go of the past - And accept the things you cannot change!

29. Be at peace with myself - I want to be more comfortable in my own skin all the time!

30. Fall in love - Maybe it's with my dream guy, maybe it's with myself!

Be sure to check in next year to see how many of these I've checked off! Do you have any great bucket list items to share? Let me know in the comments below!

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