
Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year, New Me?

More like New Year, New BLOG!

Hi everyone! If you're reading this, I just want to say thank you for following my journey! I gave a lot of thought as to what my first post would be. 
New Year's Resolutions? Christmas Gifts Galore? An intro to myself?

Well, as you might have already guessed, I decided on telling you about my New Year's Resolutions. So I won't be tagging any brands or showing you what I got from loved ones for Christmas. 
(Sorry, maybe coming soon!)

I plan to continually "break the fourth wall" by sharing my personal journey with you. Sometimes my posts might not even have anything to do with fashion or beauty. Sometimes I might just need to vent or tell you about my day. Maybe I'll even tell you about a date I've been on! If that's not of interest to you then I guess this is where we part ways... But if you're intrigued, keep reading...

 . . . 

One of my best friends gave me a great piece of advice that actually was my inspiration for this post: 
"be kind to yourself."

What did she mean? Well, I generally am very hard on myself. I went to a strict all girls Catholic high school (which is where I met said BFF) that conditioned me to always be working toward the next goal.  Fast forward 7 or 8 years and here I am, a twenty-something who feels like I need a promotion or an engagement ring to prove something to myself.

If you've read my "About Me" section, then you know I've recently been through a breakup. Since then, I've put even more pressure on myself to find "The One." I always had a timeline in my head of when I wanted to have my first child, be married, get engaged. Working backwards from those milestones means I need to meet my dream guy like, yesterday. 

So enough of that sob story - this is a Resolutions post, right?! 

In 2017, I resolve to:

Be kind to myself

Celebrate my accomplishments 
(like getting an MBA at age 22)

Give myself more credit and recognize for how far I have come

Turn 26 and get over this quarter-life crisis!

Other resolutions that I recognize as being slightly less tangible:

Get started on my "summer bod"
(as I sit here eating French fries)

Quit online shopping
(I bought 2 things today alone)

I also have to give a special shout out to my best friend since 1st grade: no matter what craziness is going on in her own life, she is always there to support me, talk me up and remind me that I am doing just fine.

And finally to my parents, thank you for giving me life, love and unconditional support.

What are your resolutions for 2017? Tell me in the comments below!

If you've gotten this far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and wish you a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

1 comment :

  1. From when you were a little girl you always loved the movie Santa Claus is Coming to Town... the scene when father winter takes Kris Kringle Into the Woods and sings a little jingle, put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking across the floor ..put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking out the door... Embrace this new Journey with love in your heart and always be kind to yourself giving good you will receive good sometimes it takes longer than we'd like but they do say patience is a virtue... You've accomplished so much in such a short period of time you should be so proud of yourself as I am of you! Do something good for yourself at least once a week and always always remember to pay it forward... always know you are my Hero and always know I love you to the moon and back and back again ! Mom
